Coat types are dependent on the parent dogs, and while it is possible to predict to an extent whether a puppy is likely to shed, this cannot be completely guaranteed.
Groodle coats include:
– The flat coat is straight or with a slight wave, more like that of the Golden retriever. This type is less likely to mat and will require a quick brush once a month. Flat coats are more likely to shed and are not recommended for those with allergies.
– The Fleece textured coat has a soft silky texture. It may be straight and wavy or soft with a looping curl. This coat is less likely to shed or trigger allergies. and usually requires a trim twice a year.
The Wool textured coat is more dense in texture, resembling the spiralling wool of a sheep or lamb. It should not be too dense or tightly curled. The wool coat rarely sheds and is less likely to trigger allergies.
The wool coat can matt easily and will require weekly brushes and 2-3 trims a year.
** Please note that Groodles Australia cannot guarantee non-shedding or low-allergy puppies. The golden retriever heritage means exceptions occur. If you require absolute certainty of these qualities in a dog we would recommend you purchase a poodle.
Coat types and lifestyle play a large role in the frequency of grooming required. The Groodle coat will naturally pick up small amounts of debris from the immediate environment and regular brushing should be performed to avoid tangles and matting, particularly behind the ears, in the tail plume, and around the mouth.
Some owners choose to shave their Groodle’s coat completely twice a year, and if this is the case, not a lot of grooming is required in between. Those wishing to spend time pampering their pooches may enjoy allowing their Groodles coat to grow longer – we think they look gorgeous either way!
Allow your pup to get used to grooming early in life so it becomes comfortable with handling, grooming exercises and grooming equipment. Short and regular minor grooming exercises for short periods of time in conjunction with positive reinforcements (such as treats or cuddles) are a good place to start!
Our wonderful groomer at Greater Springfield Vets, Margi, does a beautiful job with our groodles.
Examining your Groodles’ ears regularly is a good idea, as the structure of the ear is ‘floppy’ and does not allow for much ventilation. Make a habit of flipping the ears back and taking a quick peek underneath to ensure the openings are clean and are not emitting any odours.
Cotton buds are not usually recommended for ear cleaning as they may damage the structures inside the ear if used incorrectly. Instead, try wiping the insides of the ears with some soft cotton swabs, lightly soaked in a suitable ear cleaner and wrapped around your index finger.
Cause damage to the structures inside the ear if used incorrectly. Instead, try wiping the insides of the ears with some soft cotton swabs, lightly soaked in a suitable ear cleaner and wrapped around your index finger.
Groodles must have their ears properly dried after an ear clean, bath or swim to avoid infections which can be exacerbated by moisture.
Eyes may be cleaned daily with a warm, wet cotton ball to prevent a build-up of eye discharge and to reduce tear staining. A small amount of daily discharge can be normal for this breed. Trimming carefully around eyes on a regular basis can also help to keep them clean and stop irritation of the eyes.
Bathing is only required as necessary and is usually not required more often than once a month. When you do bathe your Groodle, it is important to use a gentle, veterinary-recommended shampoo that will not harshly strip any natural oils from the skin or coat.
A towel dry followed by a quick blow-dry should have your Groodle set in no time! Brushing the coat as you blow-dry can reduce drying time, and make your Groodle’s coat super fluffy!
Most dogs that have an active lifestyle do not require routine nail trimming. If and when they do need a trim, you may do this yourself, or have a professional do it for you. It can be tricky to master nail clipping, as some Groodles have black toenails, making it difficult to see exactly where to clip without causing the nail to bleed.
Our Groodles Australia and Greater Springfield Veterinary staff are happy to give you a lesson if you feel unsure about performing this yourself.
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